WALCO® V – Wall Connector

WALCO® V | The connector for prefab wall up to 16 kN*
System advantages:
- Universal – connections can be made from timber to timber, to steel and to concrete.
- For timber widths from 80 mm upwards
- Easy – no recess of bracket needed if the hight of the planking is 13/15 mm (the counter part screw can be recessed on the other side).
- Effective – fast and accurate assembly on site – fully prefabricated walls are assembled without any screwing or nailing.
- Stable from the first wall corner on
- Saves labor – quick and easy assembly through spacious V-shaped bracket.
- Unique – screws are screwed directly in the component with or without interlayer
- Flexible – assembly to the last wall and even interior walls.
- Adjustable and esthetically pleasing – connectors are recessed and therfore not visible when assembled. Screws can be readjusted in perpendicular direction to compensate building tolerances e.g. for seals and gaskets.
- ETA certified (even for hardwood).
*KS = Hex-head screw, VK= collar bolt holding screw, EH=Adjustable retaining screw, GH=Retaining spring holding screw
WALCO® V wall connector with slot-hole for prefabricated walls.
WALCO® V wall connector with slot-hole for prefabricated walls. The WALCO® V Slot-hole connector is used for the joining of prefabricated walls made of timber, or CLT wall / main beams. Connections can be from timber to timber, as well as to steel and concrete.
Just like the tried and tested KNAPP® WALCO wall connectors, the new version, WALCO® V Slot-hole, enables a load -bearing to be installed perpendicular to the direction of insertion (wind load), as well as to pull- direction, and can also be installed on intermediate layers. The connector allows fast and precise assembly on site with a high level of safety. The new version of the wall connector is designed for even easier installation. It can be fastened with only two screws and accommodate a positioning tolerance of up to 15 mm in height and +/- 2 mm in width.
The wall connectors are available in two versions, one with collar screw (KS) with integrated washer, and one with a screwed collar bolt (VK) and self-tapping countersunk head screw.
The WALCO® V connector allows a maximum optimization of prefabrication by making it possible to pre-fabricate the walls in the workshop and easily assemble the building on site by joining the walls in a dove-tail like manner, all while saving labor. WALCO® V Slot-hole is available in all sizes (60 and 80) and in each version (KS, VK *). * KS = collar screw, VK = screwed collar bolt.
*All the characteristic values contribute in the insertion direction and refer to the wood species pinewood C24 (S 10) and are taken out of the European Technical Approval (ETA-10/0189).
with collar bolt holding screw
with retaining holding screw
with collar bolt
with retaining spring holding screw
with collar bolt holding screw
with retaining holding screw
with collar bolt
with retaining spring holding screw