T-JOINT – Screw connector made of cast steel

T-JOINT D40W 30 Stainless steel
Introducing the NEW T-JOINT D40 for tension and bending joints of two wooden components using dual-angle screw fastening. With the T-JOINT D40 W30 in stainless steel casting, Knapp Connectors has crafted the optimal solution for tension and bending joint connections. This new screw connector employs dual-angle screw fastening to directly transfer tensile forces from one component to the other using three screws. T-JOINT D40, certified under ETA 19-0628 (building approval for utility class 3), can be applied starting from a wood width of 8 cm.
System Advantages:
- T-JOINT D40 as a tensile joint connection using dual-side tension screws
- Directly transfers tensile loads from one component to another
- Can be installed both visibly and concealed
- Removable tensile joint
- Ensures gap-sealed tensile connections
- Up to 26 kN tensile load achievable with just 3 screws in BSPH tensile joint
- Minimal installation effort due to a 3 mm deep positioning bore.
T-JOINT connectors for flush 30º and 45º angular screwed joints for timber construction.
The angular screwed connection is very important in modern timber construction. For example, when connecting BSP wall elements, and for the support of earthquake-proof designs and bending stiff connections.
The T-JOINT has no protruding connector parts, because it is flush mounted. The high quality steel cylinder can be readjusted at any time, creating a seamless joint. T-JOINT is universal and can be used for steel and wood traction connection in straight and angled wall connections. The elements can be easily demounted.
The T-JOINT has no protruding connector parts, because it is screwed flush. The high-quality steel cylinder connector part can be readjusted at any time and joint-sealed without visible joints. The T-JOINT is universal and is used for steel and wood tensile joint in straight and angled wall connections. The elements can be demounted easily.
- Flush – no protruding connector parts
- Tightening – no gaps, can be adjusted at any time
- Demountable – disassemble and re-assemble multiple times
- Fast – high degree of pre-manufacturing
- Universal – suitable for wood and steel joints
- Versatile – for flush and corner wall joints
- Simple – easy positioning in the borehole
The T-JOINT screw connector is used as
- Connector for wall joint and traction connection.
- Tensile transmission in combination with steel strip for bending stiff connections (superior rafters of roof overhangs).
- Tensile bracing of wooden props wall.
- Additional fixing of the wood-based panel for projecting roof.
- New flush mount screw connector – no protruding connector parts.
- Joint sealing – no visible joints, can be readjusted at any time.
- Removable – can be disassembled and reassembled at any time.
- Fast – high degree of prefabrication.
- Universal – can be used for tensile joints made of steel and / or timber.
- Versatile – straight and angular wall connections can be implemented.
- Easy to install – easy positioning in the drill hole.
T-JOINT Verbinder für flächenbündige 30º und 45º Schrägverschraubungen im Holzbau
Der Schrägverschraubung kommt im modernen Holzbau eine tragende Bedeutung zu. Beispielsweise bei der Verbindung von BSP-Wandelementen, als Unterstützung für erdbebensichere Ausführungen sowie bei biegesteifen Anschlüssen.
Beim T-JOINT gibt es keine vorstehenden Verbinderteile, weil er flächenbündig verschraubt wird. Der hochwertige Stahlzylinder-Verbinderteil ist jederzeit nachjustierbar und fugendicht ohne sichtbare Fugen. Der T-JOINT ist universell und wird für Zugstöße aus Stahl und Holz bei geraden und winkeligen Wandanschlüssen eingesetzt. Die Elemente können einfach wieder demontiert werden.
Timber construction | Downloads