
Here you will find current news and information of KNAPP®.


COVID-19 | New measures taken in response to the Corona virus

We are at your service – Despite the Covid-19 epidemic, we have decided to adapt our company’s organisation and procedures…

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Nine-storey building in Nice using RICON®S

The 35 meters high Palazzo Méridia office building in Nice (FR) with CLT facades is the highest hybrid construction in France…

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The new anchoring system presented at the Eurobois exhibition

From the first day on, lots of professionals on the booth…

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How the RICON connector supports glass facade of the TUM Munich-Garching college refectory

The – invisible – skeleton is made of plain reinforced concrete, but the new refectory of Garching aim to showcase sensuality and joie de vivre…

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New ETA for timber connecting systems

The ETA-10/0189 assessment was revised by the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in Germany…

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RICON® S connector runs 200 times Formula 1

When racers circle the world, they need a base in each stage of the circuit. Ideally, one that lasts from the first to the ultimate finishing line …

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LIGNA 2019

LIGNA showed again that it is the worldwide most important platform for the wood processing industry, where the latest industry solutions are presented …

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Outdoor furniture made with RICON® stainless steel connectors.

The gardening season is starting and Mr. Robert Zadrazil’s masterpiece, a garden table, is finished just in time! …

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RICON® connectors in a laminated veneer lumber facade

„Dine with all your senses“!
The RICON connecting system was used for the new facade of the TUM canteen in Garching / Munich, Germany …

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Huts for the Christmas Markets with WALCO® V

Huts for the Christmas Markets are already being built in the summer! …

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